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어린 왕자 원서 필사하기 - 60


"I am beginning to understand." said the little prince.


"There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me."


"It is possible." said the fox. 


"On the earth one sees all sorts of things."


"Oh, but this not on the earth" said the little prince.


The fox seemed perplexed, and very curios.


" On another planet?"




"Are there hunters on this planet?"




"Ah, that is interesting! Are there chickens?"




"Nothing is perfect." sighed the fox.


But he came back to his idea.


"I am beginning to understand." said the little prince.

"이해하기 시작했어." 어린왕자가 말했습니다.


"There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me."

꽃이 있거든... 내 생각에는 그 꽃이 나를 길들인것 같아."


"It is possible." said the fox. 

"충분히 가능하지" 어린왕자가 말했습니다.


"On the earth one sees all sorts of things."

"지구에서는 모든 종류의 일들을 볼 수 있으니까?


"Oh, but this not on the earth" said the little prince.

"오. 그런데 지구에서의 일이 아니야." 어린왕자가 말했습니다.


The fox seemed perplexed, and very curious.

여우는 어리둥절했지만, 매우 궁금했습니다.


" On another planet?"

"다른 별이야?"





"Are there hunters on this planet?"

"그 별에도 사냥꾼이 있나?"





"Ah, that is interesting! Are there chickens?"

"재미있는걸... 닭도 있어?"





"Nothing is perfect." sighed the fox.

"완벽한 것은 없군" 여우가 한숨을 지었습니다


But he came back to his idea.

그러나 이내 다시 자신의 말을 하였습니다.

perplexed : 혼란스러운, 당황스러운

